COVID-19 Tax Relief Summary

Hi there accounting fans! For today’s article, I am joined by Jimmy Ling from JL Freedom Consulting. We’ve put our heads together to come up with a summary of the Tax Relief measures that the NZ IRD has come up with for business owners and self-employed individuals everywhere! As the economic impacts of the COVID-19

Punch up, don’t punch down.

Let’s take a break from all the COVID-19 related news and let’s talk about something important to me – namely comedy. Readers of my blog will notice that I approach things in a funny way and I aim to add humor into all my articles (yes, even lengthy discourses on depreciation and accounting fundamentals). So

3 cashflow management tips for the COVID-19 crisis

The oft-repeated mantra for many business advisors and accountants these days to businesses affected by COVID-19 is ‘Manage your cashflow’. Which is good advice really – but how does one go about making sure that your cashflow is managed properly? Today I will discuss 3 key actions you can do to get on top of

The Epic Quest for Grocery

Today I did my groceries.  Normally I wouldn’t write about doing my groceries. But it’s the first grocery trip since the lockdown began. We were starting to run low on fruits, veggies and cat food (the cat’s gotta eat too!) and so I, as the dutiful, non-employed (for now), domestic partner in my relationship embarked