Which is better, a Sole Trader or Company?

Now, one of the most common questions I get asked from my sole trader and company clients is: “Which is better – sole trader or company?” I’ve written about business structures before over here, but since this particular question keeps cropping up, I thought I should address it again.  When deciding between operating as a

2021 resolutions for your business!

It’s the NEW YEAR so lets have some 2021 resolutions!!! Woohoooo!!! 2020 was really something wasn’t it? Back when I was a kid I used to imagine that in 2020 we’d be living in high tech cities, have flying cars and have achieved global utopia. Instead we have a raging pandemic, a precarious global economy

Why I hate mates’ rates.

Mates’ rates. Ever heard of mates’ rates? You often encounter people asking for them when you just started a business, or even better, once your business is starting to take off.  “Aw, hey man, could you maybe give me a discount on your stuff?” “Eh, sis, we’ve been friends for so long, give me a

What does it mean to be a GST registered business?

Hey there accounting fans, last time I wrote about how GST works, this time I will be writing about what it means to be a GST registered business! What does it mean to be a GST registered business? It means that you are now responsible for collecting GST from your customers and returning that amount