Building up that cash buffer

There is a lot of uncertainty in the job market today. Businesses aren’t hiring, people are getting laid off and there’s a general sentiment of fear that is going around. There is only so much we can do as individuals to stay employed or keep our business afloat in these trying times.  So today I’d

Taxes explained

There are only two certainties in life. Death and taxes. While those of the living will never be able to understand the mysteries of death, we can still try our best to make sense of taxes. Throughout my years of practice and talking to friends and family, I notice that many people have the wrong

The hard truths of entrepreneurship

I sometimes feel that popular media often gets too caught up with the notion of entrepreneurship and it has a tendency to gravitate towards major success stories of people making it big through business. These ‘entrepreneurial’ stories all have the same theme of having an amazing idea, hard work and then ‘BOOM’ success. This inadvertently

COVID-19 Wage Subsidy EXTENSION simplified

Ok accounting fans, here it is – the wage subsidy extension.  It’s June 10 2020 and it’s finally rolling into full effect. As with the old wage subsidy i’m sure you all have many questions about the wage subsidy extension so I’ve done the hard research for you and really squeezed my brain juices to