Figuring Out Your Business’s USP

Hi team! Starting from this week, I have partnered with the awesome folks over at ViAGO International who will be producing some super awesome quality content for all of you! So for the next 10 Fridays or so, the good folks over there will be sharing their wisdom in enhancing small business profitability and productivity

Balancing your hustles Part 2

Alright accounting fans! We are back for part 2 of balancing your hustles! Let’s look at the second tip: Tip #2: Schedule relentlessly! Let’s talk about scheduling. Scheduling is arguably one of the least favorite things for me to do. But I still do it anyway. It’s like taking medicine – you don’t really wanna

Balancing your Hustles – Part 1

One of the challenges of starting your own business is that if you are employed (by your boss or by your children), you will most likely be setting it up as a side hustle! Meaning that you are running your business on the side while your main hustle helps you pay the bills. Now, we

Updates to the accounting services!

Hi Accounting fans! I’m sure by now most of you would have heard the news that I am teaching full-time at the University of Waikato! This is an exciting new opportunity for me and it is a great way for me to test out some of my ideas about financial and accounting education. But of