Reminder: Free Webinar Tomorrow!

Tomorrow we are running a free webinar! Ok, so you might have already known that – but I’m putting up this post today just to remind all of you! The webinar will be happening tomorrow (Saturday, 18 April) at 11 am NZ time! We will be talking about a lot of really cool, relevant topics

The Survivor’s Guide to the COVID-19 recession

Yesterday we talked about what businesses can do to prepare for the oncoming recession. Today we’ll talk about a far more relevant topic to everyone. What can the individual person do to weather the oncoming recession? To start with, I would like to put a huge disclaimer up – the advice contained in this article

COVID-19 Recession Prep – Business Owner’s Guide

As mentioned in yesterday’s blog post, today we are going to have a look at some of the things business owners can do to prep for the oncoming recession. Note that many of the suggestions contained in this article are also really good business practices that you should be doing post-recession even. Without wasting any

Here comes the recession! What do we do now?

On Oct 31 last year I wrote about the oncoming recession. So yeah, I saw this coming. To be fair, so did every other financial expert worth their salt. The economy is cyclical and once every 10 years or so, the Global economy suffers a slowdown or recession of some sort. The last global recession