Interview with the man on FIRE

Hi there accounting fans! Are you familiar with the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) Movement? For just a bit of background – the FIRE movement came about as part of a drive towards financial independence via increased savings and increased earnings. Also it has a pretty cool acronym.  The FIRE movement is quite big in

Gearing/Liquidity ratios explained!

Having looked at profitability ratios in our last article, today we shall look at the next article in the financial ratios series: Gearing/Liquidity ratios! To start off with – let me explain the weird sounding names for this particular group of ratios. What is liquidity? Liquidity (from a business perspective) looks at how ‘liquid’ the

How to apply for the SBC loan on My IR

Hi there accounting fans!  Now the process of applying for the SBC loan is SUPER simple. But that being said, I will still walk you through the process step by step to help you clear any doubts, misgivings or confusion you may have about the whole process.  So let’s get started now! First of all