It’s me, the comic accountant!

Accounting should be fun. Finance should be easy. Everyone and their Grandma should have some basic knowledge of budgeting, banks and taxes. This Comic Blog is all about making financial literacy simple, easy and funny.

This blog is built on three core values which are:


I never write about what I don’t believe in and I promise to do my best to make sure that whatever I write about is accurate. If I wrote or said something wrong, I will acknowledge my mistake and apologise for it.

I won’t beat around the bush or try to twist any narrative to suit my purposes. I will do my best to deliver content to you, simply, efficiently with as little jargon as possible


I believe that knowledge should be shared. Building upon the the first core value of Honesty, I promise to share things which will be of use to my readers and my clients and are accurate and relevant to their needs.

I loathe paywalls with a passion and you will never see a ‘member’s only’ area on this website. Everything I put up, everything I publish is available to the public for free. The more I share, the more goodwill I get in return.


By the end of the day, this blog is all about having fun and keeping it simple! I take the (admittedly) dry subject of finance and accounting and I deliver it in a fun, simple and easy way for you to understand!

Finance and accounting are very important skills to have as a small business owner, or even as a regular individual. Having that financial knowledge and skills can help you be more confident in life. So what better way to learn about it then through silly comics and easy to read articles!

A bit about myself:

I started this clog (comic blog – get it?) in August 2019 as a means of boosting my profile so that I would get hired by some kick-ass accounting firm. I had just recently graduated with a PhD in Finance and I was looking to write about a subject (finance and accounting) I had been teaching for almost 12 years now. I made the decision to add comics to my blogs since I wasn’t satisfied with generic stock photos – a decision which has come to define my identity as The Comic Accountant.

Fortunately for me, It didn’t take me long to get hired by some accounting firms here in NZ. Unfortunately for me, the COVID-19 crisis hit in March 2020 and I was laid off from my accounting job.

So there I was, stuck in lockdown with no gainful employment – I did the only thing I could do then: I got on my computer and decided there and then to start blogging full time. Over time, more people started reading this blog and started asking me to provide accounting services, which have evolved into the accounting and coaching services you can access today.

I know that there are a lot of small business owners and side-hustlers out there who need easy, simple and understandable financial and accounting advice. I want all of you to know that I’m here for you and that I’ll always be rooting for the underdogs, since I too, am one as well.

Take care, be safe and most importantly,


