Well accounting fans.
I have been blogging for well over a year now.
Personally, I’m pretty stoked that I had the discipline to continue blogging and posting regularly for one whole year.
21 August 2019 was the date of the first series of blog posts. I first wrote about Assets, Liabilities and Equity. I completed writing that series of blog posts by 22 August 2020. If you haven’t read them already, check them out through this link here.
I started this blog back when I was a struggling accountant slaving away in an industry that didn’t really seem to appreciate me or my positive, optimistic approach to finance and accounting. This blog was not only a means of boosting my personal profile but it was also a way to express myself in a way I couldn’t at work.
As time passed and I took better paying roles in the industry, I still maintained a strict devotion to this blog, knowing full well that any position I had was temporary at best and that I could never fully trust employers to have my best interests in mind. So I continued writing because this blog belonged to me and they could not take that away from me.
Prior to the COVID-19 crisis I had a very small following of friends and family who would read my stuff. I personally didn’t really know if there was a market for simple, funny and easy to understand accounting/finance comics. I simply did it because it was fun and I liked sharing information.
Then COVID-19 happened. I lost my job.
So I did the one thing I had already been doing all this while – I continued writing for the blog.
Being unemployed during lock down gave me the opportunity to crank out a whole bunch of content for this blog and share it prolifically via social media. It was then did I learn that there are a lot of people out there, people like yourself my dear reader, who are looking for a simple, easy and positive approach to accounting and finance.
This blog has evolved to become so much more than my personal creative expression outlet. It has become an easy, important source of financial information and entertainment to hundreds and thousands of people around the world (though mostly in NZ).
In the coming weeks I will be upgrading the blog with a landing page, a better navigation system and smarter categories to make it more accessible and easy to use. As such, I will be taking a 2-week break from publishing new material. I will still be sharing old stuff through social media and the awesome folks from ViAGO will still continue to be publishing stuff for us once a week.
The future vision is to grow this website into a global platform for easy, simple, accessible and most importantly, FUN financial/accounting/business information. Thank you for supporting me on this journey of financial literacy and ultimately, financial confidence for business owners, entrepreneurs and individuals around the world.
It’s been an awesome year – here’s to even better years to come.
Stay smart dear reader and most importantly:
Stay positive!
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