Updates to the accounting services!

Just a quick update!

Hi Accounting fans!

I’m sure by now most of you would have heard the news that I am teaching full-time at the University of Waikato! This is an exciting new opportunity for me and it is a great way for me to test out some of my ideas about financial and accounting education.

But of course this news also implies that I will have to decide how to manage my time in growing my accounting business (which is associated with this blog). So to that end, I’d like to make 2 announcements regarding the accounting services I provide:

Announcement 1: I will continue servicing all existing clients at the same level as before

This one is a no-brainer, really. If you are an existing client – I love you. And I am super grateful to you.

I am grateful to you in taking a chance on me

I am grateful to you for supporting me; and

I am grateful to you for sharing your stories with me

I am committed to delivering the same level of service as outlined in the proposal that you signed and accepted. So no worries on that end.

Announcement 2: I have capacity to take on only 7 (seven) more accounting clients

As it says – I’ve done the maths and looked at my schedules and I can safely say I am able to take on only 7 more reporting entities at this stage. Once I hit 7, I will make another announcement saying that I won’t be taking anymore clients on until further notice (most likely November 2020, but we’ll see).

So if you are still undecided whether or not you want to jump onboard The Comic Accountant’s firm, now’s the time to make up your mind! (no pressure – just saying)

Note that this doesn’t affect my capacity to take on coaching/training clients.


Yeah that’s it really, not a huge major announcement. I will also be reviewing the length of the content that I put out. I find I do have a tendency to pack a lot of info into one post which may be able to be broken down into several posts which may be able to speed up my publication times.

Sorry if I have a been a bit skint on content this week – I promise that next week we will resume the regular publishing schedule as usual!

Thank you all for all your support in my journey to make financial literacy easily accessible to all!

Stay safe my dear readers, and most importantly, (you know this one by now i’m sure):

Stay positive!

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