You need to get vaccinated to protect your business

(3 minute read – get vaccinated)

Hi there accounting fans!

Get the Vaccine against COVID-19.

I’m serious. Since COVID-19 broke out in 2020, different countries around the world have used different strategies to mitigate the spread of the virus. Here in Aotearoa NZ, we adopted an early elimination strategy which has proven to be the right choice. Thanks to our go hard and go fast strategy, we eliminated the first variant of the virus. Then business bounced back, life went back to normal and we enjoyed a standard of living that wasn’t present in the rest of the world.

Two months ago, in August 2021, the more infectious Delta variant hit our shores and we have been pushed back into lockdown again. Initially we tried for the elimination strategy. But in recent weeks, the government has signalled that elimination may not be sustainable in the long run.

The lockdown has been hard on businesses. Especially small businesses. Many of my clients have been affected as well. Going in and out of lockdown to manage the spread of the virus is not a viable long term strategy.

You know what is a viable long term strategy?


Since vaccines were first used in 17th Century China and the first smallpox vaccine developed by Edward Jenner came out in 1798, they have proven to be effective in protecting humanity from infectious disease.

Due to the urgency created by the global pandemic, researchers from all over the world banded together and produced a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus in record time! Now the challenge remains to roll out the vaccine to all eligible individuals all over the world.

Get Vaccinated. Save your Business.

Look, I’m not an infectious disease expert, so I trust in the hard working medical researchers who have developed and tested this vaccine.

It works. And that’s all that matters to me.

I do know a few things about business, finance and the economy though. Here’s what I know:

  1. Allowing the virus to run rampant in our communities is bad for business. Sick people don’t usually go out and buy stuff. Dead people have a habit of not being good repeat customers.
  2. A prolonged or intermittent lockdown(s) will disrupt businesses. Entire industries are put on hold while we work as a community to stamp out the virus… until it pops up again.

So now we have several vaccines that work. If enough of the population gets vaccinated, we don’t have to worry about the virus wiping out our customer base. We also don’t have to worry about our business being put on ice everytime an infection breaks out.

Seriously. Get vaccinated.

Governments all around the world are rolling out vaccines for free to their populations.

Getting vaccines to rural areas is always going to be a challenge. But if you live in an urban location and/or have access to a vaccination centre AND are eligible, you really should get vaccinated.

Once enough of us are vaccinated then we won’t live in fear of the virus anymore. Our customers can buy our produce at the farmer’s market, dine in at our fancy restaurant and go canyoning with our travel company. I can finally pay my barber to trim my receding hairline.

But this only works if enough of us GET VACCINATED.

Here in Aotearoa NZ, we’re hoping to hit 90% of the population vaccinated before Xmas. A 90% vaccination would see life return to (mostly) normal with only minimal measures required for outbreaks. Ideally we want to hit 100%, but we’ll get there once the vaccine is approved for use for under-12s.

It’s free and it’s widely available.

If you are a business owner who’s business has been affected by the pandemic and lockdowns. You owe it to yourself, your community and your business to get vaccinated.

Get Vaccinated on Super Saturday 16 October 2021!!!

This Saturday, 16 October 2021, there will be a nationwide push all across Aotearoa to get everyone vaccinated in time for Summer!! Vaccine clinics nationwide will be open all day and into the evening!

If you’ve gotten your vaccine, tell your friends and family about it!

Don’t want to wait until 16 October? Well then, Book your vaccine now.

Get vaccinated. Protect the community. Protect your business.

Stay positive! (But not COVID positive, obviously)

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