Comic: Eating Food When In Malaysia – Malaysia Trip
(eating food – 1 minute read)
(eating food – 1 minute read)
COVID-19 has finally invaded my body. And while my immune system diligently responds and attacks the viral virus, this recovery process has definitely drained me, leaving me quite drab and feeling down. It doesn’t help that I’m stuck indoors, is sniffly, and can’t pet my neighbour’s cat that’s outside my door right now for fear
(exchange rate – 1 minute read) Hi Accounting Fans! Sam Harith (our founder and resident comic artist) is currently visiting family in Malaysia. While there he’s made some observations of life in Malaysia after almost 4 years of being away!
(household – 5 minute read) Last time we wrote about how to weather the recession for your business. This time we’re going to get more personal. That’s right! Let’s look at what the recession means for your household and what you can do about it! A recession means a tighter job market This is a