How does Goods and Services Tax (GST) work?

Hi there accounting fans! Let’s talk about GST (Goods and Services Tax)! Ok, real talk time – one of the things the many things I get asked as an accountant are: “How can I get a GST refund?” “Why am I paying so much GST?” “I’m paying so much tax, why do I need to

PAYE and Trial periods!

Hey accounting fans! We are back with part 2 of the first-time employer’s blog. This episode, Sam Harith – The Comic Accountant and Ashleigh the Advocate are going to be talking about PAYE issues and 90 day trial periods. If you missed part 1, read it over here. So to kick it off: PAYE –

Sub-contractors and employment agreements

So, you have recently started a business, and you are considering taking on some employees to help you build your business. It’s an exciting, stressful, and scary step; but it’s often worth it. This is the first of a three-part blog, which will discuss your basic employment law and accounting obligations. So we, The Comic