Building the Ideal Home Workspace

We’re back again with more quality content from the folks over at ViAGO! This week, Tim Wilson discusses how we can setup our ideal home office space! A lot of people who used to work in an office are now working from home. Even in places where offices have reopened, people have received an object

How Often Should You Be Talking to Your Clients?

I may be on break – but the awesome team at ViAGO are still producing quality content for us! Here’s the latest one! When it comes to talking to your clients, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ recipe. This is because what is annoying for one client may be appreciated by another client. One client may enjoy

This blog is 1 year old

Well accounting fans. I have been blogging for well over a year now.  Personally, I’m pretty stoked that I had the discipline to continue blogging and posting regularly for one whole year.  21 August 2019 was the date of the first series of blog posts. I first wrote about Assets, Liabilities and Equity. I completed

Are You Getting the Right Return from Your Business?

This week’s content is written by Matthew Collins – a ViAGO international team member! For most businesses, making a profit is a key business objective. After all, a business cannot continue to exist for long without making a profit. Alas, it is not something that happens overnight and many business owners choose to ‘throw in