Tax rates NZ explained

Alright, this one is for all of you hard-working, tax paying Kiwis out there. Let’s talk about tax rates first, because boy, oh BOY do lots of folks get this wrong. So first off, let me start off by saying that NZ tax is pretty easy and straightforward. Most folks don’t have to even worry

What Are Your Business’s Key Success Factors?

This content has been supplied by the productivity experts – ViAGO International and written by their team member, Matthew Collins. Key success factors are strategies that are critical to growing and maintaining a successful business-customer relationship. However, many business owners do not take time to identify what is necessary to be successful in their industry

Do you pay taxes back home when you are overseas?

Today let’s tackle an issue which some people are asking about these days: Paying taxes while you are overseas. Now there seems to be a few misconceptions about a person’s tax obligations while they are overseas. The most common misconception is that people working overseas still have to pay taxes to their home country. You

Balancing your hustles – Part 3!

Tip#3: Stick to the plan! Welcome back for part 3 of Balancing your Hustles! So we’ve identified our financial goals! We’ve committed ourselves to planning out a weekly schedule! Now all that is left to do is to STICK TO THE PLAN!!! Having identified our financial goals, we now have a good idea of where