The myth of passive income

Passive income is a myth. Ok, now that I’ve gotten your attention with that zinger – hear me out: There is no such thing as making money in your sleep. Well, unless you’re a super rich trust fund baby (but let’s be honest – how many of us are?). Passive income gained popularity as a

0 Active Cases in NZ – Ka Pai Aotearoa!

I started off today checking the COVID-19 numbers in NZ as I usually do. While I don’t usually get excited looking at the number ‘0’ (especially if it’s on my bank account statement) – this one got me super excited. As of 8 June 2020, we are officially at 0 active COVID-19 cases in NZ.

Startup school lesson 7: Hiring your first team member

It’s been a long time since I’ve updated startup school, so let’s come back to it with some valuable information and lessons for new business owners looking to start up their first business venture. So let’s say you’ve set up your business, you have a separate bank account for all business transactions, you have chosen

COVID-19: Opportunities in Adversity

The COVID-19 lockdown was a period of great fear and confusion for the Kiwis all across the country, especially for small business owners. As tourism and hospitality businesses shuttered up their stores, there was a general climate of uncertainty as everyone began preparing for the worst. But adversity breeds resilience and resilience breeds opportunity. Many