Assets are a current issue to talk about!

So we know that assets are good right? Assets are always good! Also, the best thing about assets is that you can use assets to buy more assets! Yay! If this is your first time visiting this blog, I suggest that you go and read about why Assets are Good first before reading this article.

Its Accrual World we live in

It’s such accrual world we live in OK, accounting pun there in the title – sorry about that! But in this post we are going to review what is known as the accrual concept (which for students of accounting can be a very cruel thing to understand – ba-dum Tsss! The accrual concept essentially states

Income and Expenses -The Basics!

Ok, so far we have covered off Assets, Liabilities and Equity. So you know the basics of what makes a business tick. But let’s say you are a business owner and you’ve started your own thing – what you will be dealing with daily are Income and Expenses. First off, lets start with Income: Income

Assets are good!

Assets are good – they are always good. I cannot objectively think of any situation where assets are anything BUT good. An Asset is basically anything that generates wealth for your business (or yourself) that you own. Note that the key word here is “wealth”, not “money”, but “wealth”. This is because money, as in