A man in a yellow traditional malay shirt teaching a kiwi bird accounting tips for the year 2024

NZ Small Business Accountant Tips 2024

(NZ small business accountant tips 2024) Kia ora koutou! We’re fast approaching the end of the financial year ending 31 March 2024. As we near the close of the current financial year, we’re entering a new financial year with its set of challenges. Over here at The Comic Accountant, we’ve been closely monitoring business happenings

Stop Wasting Time and Start Doing Work

Hi there accounting fans! The consequences of procrastination are greater than you think. Wasting time results in us missing out on valuable opportunities for personal and professional growth. It is time that could have been best spent putting in work and build a better version of ourselves through pursuing our passions, building meaningful relationships, or

two individuals bartering their trade between wheat and a goat

Keep track of your communications

Hi Accounting Fans! Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful business which makes tracking communications become more of a necessary skill. Keeping a vigilant eye on conversations, whether internal or external, is essential and significantly impact a business’s efficiency and productivity. Enhances Collaboration and Teamwork: In a business setting, collaboration is key to achieving

Man using multiple machine arms to get more things done

Use Digital Tools to Enhance Productivity

Hi accounting fans, Nowadays, information and tasks surround us much like being in a digital beehive. We juggle content across multiple devices, often feeling overwhelmed and drowning in its sheer volume. Luckily, technology holds the key in overcoming it. By harnessing the power of the right digital tools, we can transform ourselves from overwhelmed individuals