two individuals bartering their trade between wheat and a goat

Keep track of your communications

Hi Accounting Fans! Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful business which makes tracking communications become more of a necessary skill. Keeping a vigilant eye on conversations, whether internal or external, is essential and significantly impact a business’s efficiency and productivity. Enhances Collaboration and Teamwork: In a business setting, collaboration is key to achieving

Man using multiple machine arms to get more things done

Use Digital Tools to Enhance Productivity

Hi accounting fans, Nowadays, information and tasks surround us much like being in a digital beehive. We juggle content across multiple devices, often feeling overwhelmed and drowning in its sheer volume. Luckily, technology holds the key in overcoming it. By harnessing the power of the right digital tools, we can transform ourselves from overwhelmed individuals

A man on a throne sitting on a slab of stone is directing a robot to pull him along

Automate, Automating, Automated

(Automate, Automating, Automated – 5 minute read) Hi there accounting fans! In today’s modern world, most businesses have already started automating their business processes. From manufacturing to even the food industry, (having robots serve you food) there is no doubt that machines are really taking our jobs! (I’m just kidding, they’re creating different types of