Man being paid cash is asked by Steve the Tax Reaper if he was going to declare that cash.

Declare your cash jobs – here’s why

Hi NZ accounting fans! Let’s talk about cash jobs. Also known as ‘cashies’ in the Kiwi vernacular. If you’re a small business owner, I’m sure you’ve heard of ‘cashies’. Especially if you’re a builder or have dealt with tradespeople. Cash payments are when an individual/business owner insists on receiving a cash payment for a job

Kiwi bird sitting down looking worried thinking about topics such as, Tax Audits, Interest Deductibility, Higher Interest and so forth.

NZ Small Business Tax Tips 2024

(NZ small business tax tips 2024 – 5 minute read) Kia ora again Aotearoa! The financial year is coming up soon! As we come into the new financial year of FY2025 (which starts on 1 April 2024), let’s take a look at some tax related issues that will affect NZ small businesses in the new

In the first panel, a man holds up two bags of money. He says: I made so much money in my first year of business!!. In the second panel, Steve the tax reaper appears behind him, wearing his long black cloak and holding a scythe. Steve says: Is that so... Then its time to pay taxesss..

Paying Tax in your First Year of Business

(First year business tax – 5 minute read) Did you just start your first business? Congratulations! Starting a new company or self-employed venture is always daunting. You’ll be so busy working out on your products, honing your unique selling point and setting up your systems. Tax is the last thing on your mind. ‘I’ll deal