Keep being awesome you awesome person!

You, yes, you are awesome!

Hi there, if you are reading this, you are doing an awesome job.

I’m going to take a break today from writing about finance-y stuff and write about mental health and well-being (because mental well-being affects how well you manage your business and finances!). 

Many of you reading this have suffered from some form of anxiety or depression. Heck, I suffer from anxiety fairly regularly too. I just want to let you know you are not alone.

You could be a working parent, putting in the hard hours, scrimping and saving to get by. You could be a small business owner, juggling five different roles at once and trying to keep the business afloat. You could still be a student, wondering whether you’ve made the right choice in the course you are doing. Whoever you are, you are doing an awesome job.

You are awesome because you keep on pushing.

You are awesome because you talk about how you are feeling.

You are awesome because despite everything, you focus on the positives and keep on living.

Anxiety can be a real downer. It cripples your thought process and impairs your judgment. Believe me that I know how it feels. As a parent, employee and small business owner I’m always worrying about the next thing to do, what people think of me and how to resolve any outstanding issues. Getting into an argument with a loved one further fuels that anxiety and sometimes you are left wondering what you have to do to salvage that relationship. 

Anxiety sucks. But it’s part of life. Ultimately how we deal with it will define how far we can go.

So yeah, if you are battling anxiety – talk to someone about it. This can be a trusted family member, friend or counselling professional. If you are based in NZ, and are from a migrant background like I am, give DCNZ a call. They can find someone to talk to you in your preferred language and from a similar cultural background so that you don’t feel like you are talking to someone who doesn’t understand you. Plus if your anxiety is money related – keep reading this blog! Or flick me a message on my FB page and i’ll do my best to listen and help.

Focus on the little wins, even little things like that great cup of coffee you had this morning, the great relationship you have with your friends or the good health that you have. This will vary from person to person depending on your circumstance but usually with very little effort, we can pick out the awesome things we have in our life that we can be grateful for.

And yeah, Just. Keep. Pushing. 

You got this. You are not alone. You are awesome. 

With lots of Love,

Sam H.

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