(resolution – 3 minute read)

Hi there accounting fans!
Welcome back to work! It’s 2023! It’s time for us to reflect on the past year and set some goals for the year ahead. Here at The Comic Accountant, we believe that a little bit of humor can go a long way in helping businesses stay motivated and on track with their resolutions.
Resolution to Pay those invoices!
We’ve all been there. The pile of invoices seems to grow by the day, and it can be easy to fall into the trap of putting off tackling it. But the new year is the perfect time to start fresh and make a commitment to staying on top of your finances.
I generally make it a point to pay my invoices ASAP. But I get it, life gets in the way and you forget about paying those invoices. Just make sure you pay your accountant!
Start scheduling properly!
No, you don’t have a super didactic memory (or eidatic?). So forget about relying on your fleshy brain to remember things for you. While you’re at it, ditch the piles of sticky notes and start using a proper scheduling system to keep track of appointments, meetings, and deadlines.
I personally love Google Calendar for its ease of use. For organising client appointments, Calendly works wonders for me! If you’re not on a calendering system, you need to get onto one NOW!
Resolution to be flexible but resolute in planning
We had a plan at the start of this year, then things happened, and that plan changed. Then more things happened and we changed that plan again. While it is normal for plans to change, you need to have a core plan to stick with.
In 2023, we resolve to focus on producing more quality content for The Comic Acccountant to generate more clients for our small business accounting service SH Advisory.
Be smart about taking breaks
Running a business can be stressful, and it’s important to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Make a resolution to prioritize self-care in the new year and make sure you’re taking breaks when you need them. This will help you stay energized and focused on the tasks at hand.
Self care can mean spending time with the family, exercising or just unwinding with a chill game. If you’re a gamer like me, avoid maso-core games and stick with the easy stuff. Life is already hard enough, why make escapism break time harder by playing X-Com 2 on Legendary difficulty on IronMan. I mean. Why would anyone do that?
Happy new year accounting fans!
We hope these business new year resolutions have inspired you to set some goals of your own. 2023 brings with it some new challenges with a global recession looming on the horizon. Stay focused on those business goals and I’m positive you will come out on top!
Stay positive!
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