A man in a traditional malay shirt is sorry he took the last donut as he is being reprimanded by a girl in a hijab. When asked if he was really sorry, the man in the traditional malay shirt replied, "no...it was a very nice donut"

How to Deliver a Proper Apology

A man in a traditional malay shirt is sorry he took the last donut as he is being reprimanded by a girl in a hijab. 

When asked if he was really sorry, the man in the traditional malay shirt replied, "no...it was a very nice donut"

(How to Deliver a Proper Apology 5 mins read)

To deliver a proper apology it involves more than just saying sorry, you will need to have remorse, take responsibility and commit to making amends. While I understand it is never easy to express and admit one’s fault, it is the first step in regaining goodwill from those you have wronged.

This is why delivering a proper apology is absolutely important and here are a few tips on how to go about it:

Acknowledge and express regret:

The first step in fixing a problem is always to acknowledge it, this is also how you can start delivering your apology. Be remorseful and express genuine regret. This should also reflect on your behaviour as actions speak louder than words. For example, if caught spreading misinformation, acknowledge it and never repeat the behaviour again.

Show empathy:

In scenarios where your actions affect another person emotionally, expressing empathy should be the second step you take after acknowledging the situation. Showing genuine care for the party you have wronged displays humility and concern that strengthens your apology much further.

On a business standpoint, your reputation is your most important asset. So once a mistake is made either from giving out wrong advice or providing faulty services/product it is of utmost priority that you own up to those mistakes. Starting with being forthcoming of your mistakes and start to make amends by offering compensation and concrete promises.

If you choose to deny said errors and mistakes you run the risk of eroding your business goodwill which will affect it in the long-run. Always be ready to nip these issues in the bud when they occur as re-earning trust once more is a difficult process and would take a long time.

Promise change:

The whole purpose of the apology is to give the other party assurance that the behaviour will not continue. Making sure that you will change for the better after the apology will help in the long-run as people will see that your word means something. The demonstration of you having reflected on your behaviour gives confidence and strengthens the apology further.

Finally, always remember, that a sincere apology can go a long way in repairing relationships and rebuilding trust. Approaching the apology with humility, sincerity, and a genuine desire to make amends build the foundation of on how to deliver a proper apology and places your business in a positive light.

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