(daily plan – 3 minute read)
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
The seconds tick past as you’re reading this article on how to stop acting on impulse and start planning your day more mindfully, almost aggressively.
But it’s okay. The fact that you’re here shows how serious you are about getting your daily plan up and running. There should be time set aside for personal development goals anyway. Still, understandably, there are other important things you need to be doing too.
Finances, family, friends, work, side hustles, filing taxes, grocery shopping, home chores… the list can go on and on.
For those struggling to juggle these balls of unending adulthood responsibilities, here are some rules you should stick to so you can become better at managing your time… and balls. Wait and see, you’ll be able to juggle more balls than you ever thought you could in no time by implementing these simple strategies:
1. Write everything down in your daily plan

This is such a simple but super effective first step. It’s a must: Just write everything you need to do in a day down. Even those small tasks that don’t seem to be that important. Write. It. Down.
Having your appointments, to-dos and shopping lists on paper (or saved electronically) will save you a lot of stress and allow you to better plan your day.
2. Do similar tasks together

By having everything written down in a daily plan, you’d know what needs to be done. Thus, you can group similar activities together to avoid wasted time of having to switch tasks or travel unnecessarily.
For example, if you plan your meals in advance, you can do the grocery shopping in one go and in bulk, saving you not only time but also money.
Similarly, when on holiday, most people usually plan their travel itinerary down to the minute for time and money well spent, soaking in all the sights but still enjoying one view at a time. So, instead of jumping from emails to calls and back to emails again, arrange your time in a way that you focus on one set of tasks, enjoy that moment, and then move on to another set of similar tasks. You’d realise that what used to take you hours of frustrating work may only take you half an hour to actually get done. Remember, multitasking isn’t exactly a good trait in the world of productivity so if you can, avoid it at all cost!
3. Prioritise what really matters

Reflect on what you have accomplished in a day and don’t be afraid to change the things that aren’t working so well. Are you underestimating the time spent with certain tasks? Are some tasks even worth doing in the first place? Some balls you’ve been juggling are actually rubber balls and if you drop them, it’s okay. You can pick them up again another time. They won’t break.
Your needs will also vary according to the seasons. In summer, you may want to spend more time with the family at the beach. On the other hand, during the end of financial year, you might want to stick to a checklist of things that need to be done before an important deadline.
Start your daily plan now!
Ultimately, a good daily plan leads to a fulfilled life. Knowing what you’re supposed to be doing daily creates a sense of focus and purpose. It helps you stay productive, avoid procrastination, and properly manage your precious time. So, go ahead, build a daily plan today.
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