The best time to start your business is NOW

(start your business – 5 minute read)

Starting a business

Hi there accounting fans.

If you’ve been thinking about setting up your own business, I’m here to tell you that the best time to start is now.

But why now Sam? The economy is tanking, inflation is rising and to top it off, Netflix killed yet another promising new series which I liked before its time! I’m dealing with a lot right now!

Hold on, hold on. Just to be clear, rushing into things isn’t a good idea. But I’ve met many people who want to start their own business but never get around to doing so. There never is a perfect time to start a business. So here’s why NOW is the best time to start your business.

Just get on with it

If you’ve had an idea sitting in your head for a long time, it’s time to put it into action! Write down a plan, brainstorm it with your friends. Talk to a business mentor or an experienced accountant to see if the plan has legs.

Sitting around dreaming the business dream isn’t doing anything. So do something about it!

Technology right now is pretty awesome

It was only half a century ago, getting your brand known involved printing flyers and getting print ads. 50 years ago you would still be doing your taxes on a piece of paper.

The rise of the internet and digital tools has made it easier for entrepreneurs to get their businesses off the ground. You can build a website, connect with customers online, and manage your finances all from the comfort of your own home.

There’s heap of resources for you to access

There are now more resources available to small business owners than ever before. From online courses to networking events, there are countless ways to learn about starting and running a business.

Do check out Digital Boost NZ it’s a great free platform for small business owners to learn how to run their business. Do check out some of our stuff there too. Just search up ‘Sam Harith’.

You’re never going to be fully ready

It’s natural to feel a little nervous about starting a business, but the truth is, you’ll never be 100% ready. The best time to start is when you have a solid business idea, a plan in place, and the motivation to make it happen.

Remember, you’re never too young or too old to start a business! If you’ve been harbouring entrepreneurial dreams, now is the time to do it!

But what about the economy?

What about it?

Whether we are in a down turn or not, the economy is going to keep economy-ing (an actual word). If your business idea is reliant on a ‘perfect’ economic situation, then its an idea that doesn’t have legs. A good business is able to weather economic storms and thrive in both good and bad times.

Sure the economy looks a bit stink right now. But if that’s your excuse for not starting a business, then there never will be a ‘great economic time’ to start a business.

One step at a time

The best time to start is now. But at the same time, let’s not rush things. Outline a plan of action. Think about what you’re selling, whom you’re selling it to and how you’re going to sell it to them. The most important thing is that you are doing something about it.

Your entrepreneurial dreams aren’t going to materialise by themselves. You have to work at it and only then will they come true.

In the meantime,

Stay positive!

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